SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties Employee Photos

man in black shirt

Mike Parsons

Mike Parsons, Co-Owner of SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties got his start with SERVPRO 11 years ago. Mike really enjoys the ability to help people in their time of need through our restoration services. His passion for building relationships and helping his team succeed motivates him every day. Mike holds several important certifications including IICRC – WTR, ASD, and CDS, OSHA HAZWOPER 40, mold remediation, subrogation I and II and numerous SERVPRO corporate certifications. He is also a Kentucky Society of Healthcare Engineers Contractor and a Kentucky Department of Agriculture Applicator. In his free time, Mike enjoys family time with his wife and two children, back roads traveling, and of course, UK football and basketball!

girl in a black polo

Julie Roberts

Julie Roberts, Co-Owner of SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties began her SERVPRO career with her husband, Tony, in 2005.  Originally from Nicholasville, Kentucky, Julie has both her Bachelor of Marketing and Master of Business Administration from the University of Kentucky.   Now residing in Richmond, Kentucky, Julie likes to spend her weekends with her husband and two sons out on the lake.  She also tries to sneak in a horseback ride or two when she can!   Julie had no clue SERVPRO even existed when her husband brought the opportunity to her, and now she said she can’t imagine doing anything else.  While she jokes that in this business “everyday is a surprise” she loves being able to help people in their time of need, and work with her employees to create a place of employment that is not only fun, but also helps contribute to the community in which they are placed.

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Tony Roberts

Anthony Roberts, Co- Owner of SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties got his start with SERVPRO while in college as a Service Marketing Representative. He immediately felt a passion for the industry and talked his Bride-To-Be into moving to London to start their own franchise in 2005. Together with his wife, he enjoys nurturing a culture for compassion towards their customers in their time of need. In his free time, he likes to cheer on the Kentucky Wildcats, and spend time at the lake with his wife and two sons. Tony holds several important certifications including IICRC Applied Structural Drying and IICRC Commercial Drying Specialist. 

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Dustin Chaney

Dustin Chaney is a co-owner of SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties. He has known two of his co-owners most of his life. They all grew up together in Henderson, KY. Dustin is just getting started in the SERVPRO industry, but he is eager to get started and begin working with customers. He is excited to help the community of Henderson and the surrounding areas. 

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Paige Tussey

Paige Tussey is the Office Manager at SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties. Paige began her career here six years ago. She is originally from Prestonsburg, KY but now resides in Berea with her daughter. Paige has a Bachelor's in Marketing from Eastern Kentucky University. Paige says, "My favorite part about my job is getting to know the team, learning all the amazing things SERVPRO does for customers, and hearing wonderful results afterward." Paige is widely known for her employee development, team building, and maintaining a positive culture. She is a part of several SERVPRO committees and is a SERVPRO Headquarters MVP nominee. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano, spending time with her daughter, and watching the CATS play!

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Heidi Drury

Heidi Drury is the Controller for SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean, and Crittenden Counties. She just started with our franchise, but she has been in the accounting industry for over 25 years.  Her first job at the age of 8 was entering accounts payable and receivables on ledger cards at a wholesale saltwater fish company when she would visit her sister for the weekend.  That led to her love of accounting and numbers.  Before joining SERVPRO, she spent twelve years as a controller for a local subcontractor in Gallatin, TN.  What started as a part-time, temporary job became a full-time job.

She's excited to take those skills and knowledge to help both our team and customers' lives go smoother. 

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Andrea Shemwell

Andrea Shemwell is the Marketing Representative for SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean and Crittenden Counties. She has been with SERVPRO for over two years. Her favorite part of her job: "The team atmosphere is amazing.  I love meeting people, building relationships and being able to help someone in their time of need." She was raised in Marion, KY.  She graduated from Murray State University.  She is a big sports enthusiast, and she love being outdoors.  In her free time, she enjoys golfing, boating and chasing sunsets. Her favorite view is from the back of a horse!

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Michelle Baldwin

Michelle Baldwin is the Receptionist- Dispatcher for SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, Mclean, & Crittenden Counties. She has been with us for a little over two years. Michelle's favorite part about her job is talking to customers and being able to help them.

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Kylie Chinn

Kylie Chinn is the Job File Coordinator for SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, Mclean, & Crittenden Counties. She has been with us for a little over a year. Kylie's favorite part about her job is working with her team to help customers in the best way possible. In her free time, you can find Kylie reading, hanging out with her husband, or playing fetch with her two dogs. 

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Joey Runyon

Joey Runyon is the Production Manager for SERVPRO® of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean, & Crittenden Counties. Joey has been employed with SERVPRO for almost six months. He loves helping people and has spent the majority of his career working in management in the coal mines and customer service, adding to his commitment to serve. Joey has the following certifications: Employee Training Certification Program: Crew Training, Fire, Water, Carpet & Upholstery. Joey is also IICRC Certified in Water and DryBook. In his free time, Joey enjoys watching sports and spending time with his family. 

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J.P. Cummings

John Paul Cummings, J.P. is the Commercial Marketing Representative for SERVPRO of Henderson, Webster, Union, McLean, & Crittenden Counties. J.P. has been with us for almost a year now. He says the best part about his job is helping his clients during a horrible time. He loves being helpful to people during their time of need. In his spare time, you can find him hanging out with his grandchildren, and his dogs, or watching the CATS play.

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Katie Martini

Katie has worked with our Cincinnati, OH SERVPRO® ownership team for 3 years, and has recently expanded her role to all territories in Team Roberts, Parsons, and Chaney. When she's not making aesthetically pleasing, humorous, or informative restoration content, she's doing data analysis and content management across the systems we use. Out of the office, Katie enjoys spending time with her twin tabby cats and high school sweetheart. Her innovative and creative spirit help bring value to our growing community across our digital platforms and within our teams.

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